FIREFIGHTERS who saved a stranded kitten have been praised.

Eight-month-old Kenai spent three days on the roof of a derelict house in Barrow after climbing in via a broken board on a downstairs window.

After his owner Danielle Gilchrist contacted the RSPCA and RSPCA inspector Martyn was unable to reach him, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service were contacted and firefighters from Red Watch at Barrow Fire Station arrived.

Angela Mason said: “So glad he's safe but I can never understand how cats who are stuck just don't retrace their steps to get down again.”

Kenai’s owner Danielle Lorna Gilchrist replied: “The firefighters who went into the house said he could never have come down, something inside stopped him getting down so he would have been stuck for a very long time.”

Due to the bad weather, Kenai the kitten was stuck on a slippery roof of an empty terraced property in Penrith Place.

Simon Hackett said: “Poor little kitty,” and Dawn Mckellar said: “Well done to the rescuers."

Deborah Gwilliam said: “Thank you! Rescuing animals is part of firefighters’ work! They rescue horses, cows and sheep stuck in ditches, mud flats or drains. They will rescue a cat from a tree or roof because their intervention helps prevent people risking their safety to attempt the rescue!”

The dilapidated condition of the property caused concern, so an aerial platform had to be used to return Kenai to his family.

Trina Gilchrist said: “House has been boarded up now so hopefully won't happen again.”

Amy Diane Richardson said: “Something needs to be done about that house. Been empty for far too many years and nothings ever been done. Glad the kitten is ok.”