SOUTH Cumbria and Lancashire schools will be welcoming back Harry the Health Elf this winter.

The well known Elf on the Shelf is a common sight across Lancashire and South Cumbria, and young people are being encouraged to join Harry’s healthy winter adventure, logging on every school day to open Harry’s Winter Healthy Advent Calendar with their class.

Each day of the advent calendar (which cannot be opened until on the day) will open to a video of Harry sharing a special message, aimed at reminding children across the region how to stay healthy over the festive period and beyond.

These messages will range from eating well, keeping warm, how to stay safe and where to turn if they or their loved one falls ill.

Vicky Webster, associate director for children and young people at the NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), which plans and buys health services in the region, said: “The festive period is an exciting time for children up and down the land.

"However, it is really important that they stay safe and healthy.

“The NHS is helping people of all ages to get Health-Wise so they know more about health services and the best way to get the treatment they need at the right time.

"Harry the Health Elf’s calendar is a fun way to engage with infant school children that we tried last year and was very popular.”

Harry will be appearing from today (1 December) every weekday until 16 December when most schools finish for Christmas.

If you’re a teacher and haven’t seen the information you can access the calendar at

For more advice on health services in Lancashire and South Cumbria this winter, visit