MEET the new project manager at Barrow BID who is hoping to create a town centre to be proud of.

The town's Business Improvement District (BID) has appointed Paul Hodgson as the group's new project manager.

Paul previously worked as manager at Ryman Stationery in Barrow and held a volunteer role as BID Chair.

Paul said: “I’m really excited about starting my new role as BID Project Manager. With so much money being invested in Barrow over the coming months and years, there are so many opportunities on the horizon which are going to completely transform Barrow's town centre.

"In my previous job roles I have had the opportunity to meet so many different business owners and managers within our town who are passionate about what they do, so in this new role I’m really looking forward to being able to work closer with them, and others to create a town centre that we can all be proud of."

A spokesman for Barrow BID said: "We believe that Paul's enthusiasm for the high street, wealth of BID expertise and his local knowledge accrued from working in the town centre for over 10 years will make him the ideal candidate to support the businesses Barrow BID represents and help shape a high street that is fit for the future."

Jason Forsyth has also been appointed as marketing and communications coordinator, and Sandra Collings, of Cumbria Sewing and Craft Centre is taking up the vice chair position, while Jenny Fazackerley, of Jenny Stitches will be taking up the volunteer director role of chair.

Jenny said: "I am looking forward to taking up the role of BID chair. With a dynamic and highly engaged team in place, the future for Barrow’s high street is bright. I am excited to see the plans we have come to fruition to support our levy paying businesses in making a town centre to be proud of.”