A MAKE-up brand started in a Barrow woman's bedroom has expanded to market itself in major north west cities.

Coco Cosmetics by Chloe was founded with just £530 which Chloe Walsh borrowed from her nana.

Chloe now has her own website and sells an extensive range of products.

Chloe said: “TikTok was where my business began to grow. I remember posting a video packaging an order, and from there I gained a lot of followers and supporters.

“I love all of my products equally. I would never bring something out that isn’t perfect in my eyes."

Chloe has recently expanded her business to reach Manchester and Liverpool. She said: “Everything is going well. We are expanding daily and focusing on bringing out innovative, game-changing products that are new and unique to the industry.

“Even though everything is going well there are always going to be down days for me. It’s a lot of pressure as a 24-year-old business owner.

“I will always continue to work hard and strive to give my staff a future they deserve. We get thousands of orders, and they work incredibly hard to get them out as soon as possible.

“We recently put two taxis on UK roads with our branding all over them. One in Manchester and one in Liverpool. We find this a really cool way to market and it was super fun to do. I think it’s time we start looking into marketing outside of social media. We have some more really exciting things happening over the next few months.

“I want Coco Cosmetics by Chloe to be a huge international makeup brand. We already have the two biggest makeup influencers in the world using our products, Nikkie Tutorials and Mikayla Nogueira.

“Nikkie recently mentioned my Marshmallow Sponge in her video claiming it’s her new favourite over a sponge that she’s been using for around six years... which is huge for us.

“We love and adore Nikkie and Mikayla and are over the moon with their response. I hope to grow my family of supporters online too, I am so grateful for them honestly.

“Even though it’s a business page, I am the face of the brand and I share a lot about my personal story too. Whenever I am having a bad day, they are just incredible and cheer me up so much, and vice versa. I am always there for them too."