DALTON’S popular Hartley's Restaurant was praised following its most recent inspection which continued its history of 15 years’ worth of five-star ratings.

The business, located on Market Street, is ran by Andrew and Lisa Turner who have received five-star reviews every year since they opened.

The review was conducted by Scores on the Doors who have inspected businesses in the area alongside Barrow Borough Council. 

Andrew said: “We opened it 15 years ago, and it always feels good to get this type of feedback.

“We want to keep it going for our customers.     

“It’s one of the main things for us, and our chef Simon. We’re determined to keep abreast of changes and how the trade progresses.

“It doesn’t get easier; you’d think it did but sadly it doesn’t. We keep piling on with it.

“It is every chef’s dream to get their own place and to make their mark.

“I love travelling around Europe and when I got the opportunity to own this restaurant, I couldn’t resist it.

“We bought the building around 17 years ago but it took a few years to get it ready. We had an extension for the kitchen built as well. 

“It was in a bit of a sad state but we wanted to turn it into a proper Mediterranean Bistro. We had a lot of influence from European dishes. We do a lot of fish, pasta, pizza, steak, and meats.

“People have given us some lovely feedback and said it feels very continental to them.

“Being based in this community is really good. We get approached all the time to do advertisement for magazines far and wide, but our area is very small so we can concrete on the people around us. We get people from Barrow, Ulverston and Dalton.

“Serving a small community is great and we have a lot of regulars who used to come in when they were young and now, they are bringing in their families years later.”

The restaurant enjoyed another five star rating review for its service on August 13.