MORRISONS across the country, including ones in Carlisle, Penrith, Workington, Whitehaven, Barrow and Kendal will be offering free sanitary products. 

All customers need to do is ask for a package for 'Sandy' or a 'period product pack' and they will be given a free discreet envelope containing sanitary products, with no questions asked. 

The package will include a brown paper bag and two single sanitary towels. 

The initiative started in Bolton and is to help combat period poverty. 

Campaigners have been lobbying the government to subsidise period products, as they argue that in the cost of living crisis women are not able to access what they need due to the expense. 

The 'Package for Sandy' scheme is intended for people that are in emergency need, while still giving them privacy.

Morrisons operate 497 stores across the country, and alongside the scheme 125,000 sanitary products are to be distributed to local charities nationwide by Morrisons Community Champions.