POLICE have increased patrols around railway lines in Furness following incidents of anti-social behaviour in recent days.

Officers from British Transport Police have been out in Dalton and Askam following reports of disorder. 

The force said officers had been out in an umarked car by railway stations and crossings also dispatched police to patrol the areas.

 British Transport Police said yesterday: "Following recent reports of anti-social behaviour at various locations around Dalton, yesterday we were about the area in an unmarked car and today it was high visibility patrols."

Pictures posted by the force showed officers visiting Dalton Railway Station, as well as the Park South level crossing near Askam.

Concerns over youths congregating at railway stations have been raised repeatedly in the last few.

Although it is thought the problem is not as severe as once was.

Dalton councillor and rail worker Steve Nott said: "It’s certainly not like it was a couple of years ago."

He said there had been further problems while on trains.

He said: "There’s issues on the trains a lot - youths unwilling to pay or trying to get free journeys and generally being abusive to staff.

"Though that’s not just limited to youths sadly.

"Since Covid anti-social behaviour on the railways has increased massively."

Issues with anti-social behaviour led Northern to install CCTV at Dalton Railway Station last year.

Chris Jackson, regional director at Northern, said: “The safety of our customers and colleagues is paramount and we are doing all we can to provide them with the safest possible rail network.

“CCTV helps to discourage anti-social and criminal behaviour and, when problematic behaviour persists, can be crucial in providing evidence to the police that enables offenders to be brought to justice.”