Readers have had their say on ambitious plans to transform a derelict patch of land in Barrow by the end of 2024.

London-based property company Hiltongrove is moving forward with plans which would see up to 700 residential units built on the former Salthouse Mills site by 2032.

The company has also earmarked up to 7,000 sq metres of the land to the south-east of Salthouse Road for 'mixed commercial uses' such as dining and leisure.

A newly-published environmental impact assessment scoping report has been published, which indicates the timescales involved in the planned work.

Read more: Ambitious plan which could transform Barrow takes major step forward

Raymo Greenall said: “The area is cut off by a railway line and stinks because of the sewer works but hey ho.”

Captain caveman75 said: “Can't see it happening to be honest. How long we been waiting for this marina thing to happen? Nearly 20 years. Morrisons only built the supermarket in Barrow where they did on the promise of a marina and we are all still waiting.”

Rudes Pickering said: “They need to make more council houses to make up for all the ones that get bought. Barrows residents living in poor rented housing in cramped conditions but giving good properties to families coming from overseas. It’s just wrong.”

Greg Rose said: “Rudes Pickering not enough social housing is a government failure and not the fault of people coming from overseas, the UK public are to blame for continually voting into power a government who don't care.”

Kev Fox said: “Ambitious or deluded? How about the problems already here are addressed before more money is wasted on white elephant projects?”

Colin Beach said: “Kev Fox It’s the developers own money he is free to spend it how he so wishes.”