PERMISSION for the installation of a wellbeing garden has been granted by Barrow Borough Council.

Mind in Furness, a local branch of a national mental health charity, had been gifted the 'Mind Garden' after it was displayed at the Chelsea Flower Show this year, and the charity earmarked a patch of wasteland on School Street, a 'deprived' area of Barrow, to house the garden.

Delivery was taken and work began on May 31 due to the time-sensitive nature of handling live plants, and work has been ongoing pending approval.

BBC have now approved the installation on conditions that any trees or plants which die or are removed within five years of planting are replaced by species of a similar size and appearance.

The approval also stipulates that full details of boundary treatment will be submitted within twelve months, to create a permanent enclosure, and that the garden will not be accessible to the public before 6 am, and after 11 pm.

READ MORE: Work begins to transform town centre wasteland into mental health 'sanctuary'