DALTON will see the roll out of the UK’s fastest growing wholesale fibre broadband as part of a £4m investment in the area.

Netomnia will provide Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband infrastructure to around 13,000 premises in Dalton, delivering access to its robust and reliable broadband network, helping to future-proof and diversify the local economy. 

The company is partnering with MJ Quinn to roll out its broadband infrastructure in Dalton, enabling speedy deployment using cutting edge optical solutions. 

Dalton has the potential for businesses and people to become the engine powering the Cumbrian economy and the deployment of ultrafast and reliable broadband will provide new opportunities to deliver more high skilled jobs and enhance its growth. 

Jeremy Chelot, chief executive officer at Netomnia, said: “Everyone should have equal access to a reliable and fast internet. 

“We are proud to be expanding our network in the North of England, providing thousands of residents and businesses in Dalton with access to our ultrafast broadband infrastructure, providing further opportunities for the local community.” 

Along with YouFibre, an internet service provider, Netomnia has secured £418 million in funding since 2020 to support its rollout strategy and aims to reach one million premises by 2023.