THE shocking list of convictions held by taxi drivers in Barrow has been revealed.

Convictions for serious violence, driving offences and other law-breaking are among those held by cabbies in the borough.

And figures released to The Mail under freedom of information laws showed that one driver with a previous conviction for manslaughter had attempted to gain a licence.

Other convictions include drug cultivation, benefit fraud and drink driving.

Barrow Council, the licensing body for taxi drivers, has stressed some of the previous offences of taxi drivers stretch back more than 20 years.

It said its licensing committee decides whether to grant licences to drivers with convictions if they do not meet rules set out in its taxi licensing policies.

The council could not say whether the driver convicted of manslaughter was granted a licence in an application made in 2020.

According to the figures, at least 92 applications to renew a licence have been made by taxi drivers with previous convictions since 2017.

Six new applications by drivers with convictions have been made in that time.

Driving without due care and attention, damaging property, causing actual bodily harm and drug possession were listed among their previous offences.

Councillor Tony Callister, the chair of Barrow Council's licensing committee said: "The council has a policy in place that sets out the criteria when making decisions about new applications and licences currently in force.

"However, it must be noted that each application will be considered on its own merits and where it is necessary to depart substantially from the policy clear and compelling reasons will be given.

"Some of the information regarding the offences of licensed drivers date back more than 20 years. Individual cases that do not meet the policy are considered by members of the Licensing Regulatory Committee.

"The Council has a duty to ensure that those licensed to drive hackney carriages and private hire vehicles are suitable persons to do so, and will wish to satisfy itself that applicants and licensed drivers are safe drivers with good driving records and adequate experience, sober, courteous, mentally and physically fit, honest and not persons who would take advantage of their employment to abuse or assault passengers."