RESIDENTS are concerned after a council began work on installing electrical vehicle charging points in car parks.

The ground work is under way for the installation of four electric vehicle charging point in Dalton’s Lime Street Car park, an initiative introduced by Barrow Borough Council to achieve carbon neutral status by 2037

A spokesman from Dalton Community Action group said: “The general feeling is, we already lack parking in Dalton and now the residents will lose more parking to dedicated charging points that carry a fine if you park in a bay which has one.

“Currently, Department of Transport data shows 134 electric vehicles registered in Barrow with just nine EV charging points. Even with these and with another 14 being provided in the Borough it will still be one of the districts with low provision of charge points.”

Dalton Councillor Sam Ronson said: “ It’s great that Dalton is getting EV charging points, however, the car parks on Nelson street and Lime street are valuable spaces for residents in a congested part of the town.”

A total of 18 additional charging points will soon be made available in 10 car parks and other locations in the area, with the project expected to be completed in the coming months.

Councillor Ann Thomson, Barrow Borough Council’s leader, said: “The council is working incredibly hard to ensure the borough becomes carbon neutral by 2037. It is a priority for the council and something we are passionate about.

“With more people beginning to make that important switch to electric vehicles, we know that more charging points are needed.