BARROVIANS have shared their views after Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation on Sunday night.

In the pre-recorded address Boris Johnson announced that everyone over the age of 18 will be offered a booster vaccine by the end of 2021.

After the statement our readers shared their views on what the Prime Minister announced.

Greg Rose said: "A pathetic attempt to boost his own ego, it was something that could have been announced in the morning by his health secretary or junior minister, utterly pathetic and he looks totally an utterly knackered that's the problem when your lies catch up with you."

Meanwhile Norman G was waiting for a different type of broadcast, he said: "Caught me off guard. I thought he was starting a Christmas quiz!"

One reader said: "Diversion tactics to try and take the pressure away from his own failings that are regularly being found."

Barrow Insider said: "Bozo is an insult to baboons. They have a far greater sense of morals."

Alex Rayment said: "Doing what we can to slow the spread of covid by masks, social distancing, opening windows in shops/our homes when we have visitors is about keeping other people in our community safe and not hospitalising our friends/family/colleagues/neighbours with covid.

"Keeping other people in the community safe from covid is just about being a good citizen. We, the people, should demand the Government does likewise."

BramptonBalrog said: "Surely nothing at all to do with him being pictured in the Sunday Mirror, breaking Covid restrictions while hosting a quiz/Christmas party in downing street.

"I feel sure the Prime Minister is doing the right thing for the people he serves.

"I just wish i lived in New Zealand."

Ash Howson shared his hopes, he said: "The only words i was hoping for were "I'm resigning as PM" that would have done it.

Jodders3303 said: "The Tories need to get gone! They have shown themselves incapable of dealing with the pandemic.

"I am sick and tired of them undermining the hard work done by the NHS by eroding confidence in pandemic measures."