THERE has been a mostly positive reaction to the announcement of a day to celebrate town centre shops.

'Shop Barrow Day 2021' will take place on December 4, National Small Business Saturday, and a range of entertainment will be on offer throughout the day.

A Christmas market will be opened and live music and street entertainers will be performing.

The Christmas Market is being run in partnership with Barrow BID and Barra Culture, with sponsorship from BAE Systems.

All traders, wherever possible, will be local traders from the borough or the surrounding area. The market will be heavily themed with benches, heaters and lots of Christmas lights to get customers in the mood.

Paul Hodgson, Chairman of Barrow BID, said: "After all the challenges businesses have faced over the last two years it is more important than ever to shop local."

Nicola Ann Johnson said: "I hope it brings people to the town."

Heather Bruce said: "That sounds brilliant. Really glad that some proactive work is being down to promote the town centre and give something for us all to look forward to."

Civilitysaveslives said: "Sounds great. Be a lovely event, I'm sure."

claphamomnibus said: "Axe throwing,strange how some people like to spend their Saturday nights,takes all sorts I guess."

Essoblue said: "More waste of money, fix the town centre first."

watch person of barrow said: "Yet again i have to point out - the parking isn't free, it's the firms who are forced to pay into the BID.

"It is becoming a joke where the BID is concerned - a one day shopping event - what about the last 364 days?"

Gadget1122 said: "Wont bother me, I live on my own and do not have family, so Christmas to me is just a normal day, and my Christmas meal is normally, Holland's pie and chips."

Barrow Insider said: "Axe throwing doesn't sound very Christmassy. I hope it doesn't get out of control."