A BIZARRE customer notice has been put on display in a shop after a customer attempted to dispose of soiled clothing inside of a peculiar household item.

The sign which berates the vile act was spotted at the Dalton based Betfred shop, which can be found on Market Street.

The unusual notice addresses all customers who visit the store, but singles out a specific individual who they say attempted to stuff their 'soiled underpants' inside of a cleaning device.

The unknown individual had allegedly attempted to get rid of their dirty underwear by trying to stuff them inside of a hoover that belonged to the betting shop.

The sign, signed off by Dalton Shop Staff, pleads with customers to refrain from leaving their soiled clothing at the Betfred premises.

It goes on to say that the actions of attempting to dispose of soiled clothing, not just soiled underwear, at the site is "grossly unfair" to both staff and customers who are at the betting shop.

The customer notice, which appears to be taped to a door, reads: "To all customers, especially the individual who stuffed their soiled underpants in the Betfred Dalton shop hoover.

"Please refrain from attempting disposal of soiled clothing on the premises, as this is grossly unfair to staff and fellow customers.

"Thank you. Dalton Shop Staff."

Bewildered Dalton South councillor Shaun Blezard said: "It's just not really the sort of behaviour becoming of a town like Dalton.

"I'm sure that they would have let them go to the toilet if they would have asked.

"There's not a lot of civic pride there is there?"

Betfred have been contacted for comment.