A WOMEN’s only centre community course starts with members learning about vital first aid skills.

Barrow Women’s Community Matters, community connection group started on Monday, October 18 with an informative session from Cumbria Fire and Rescue.

Community Connections is an eight week course, with the opportunity to learn about organisations in their community that offer great support and so much more for members and their community.

The sessions are every Monday afternoons from 1pm till 3pm ending on December 6.

If you are interested sign up or for more information message Heyley from the Barrow Women’s Community Matters centre on: hayley@womenscommunitymatters.org.

Women’s Community Matters is situated in the Nan Tait Centre on Abbey Road, Barrow who are a vibrant women-only centre making a positive difference to the lives of women in Barrow with care, kindness, compassion and love.

They offer a wide range of courses, support groups, activities and appointments in a safe, women-only space.

They aim to support women with anything they may need, including benefits, housing, domestic or sexual abuse, the police, courts, prison, mental wellbeing, employment, education and social activities.