INSTRUCTION on specialist kit, techniques and vehicles was given as a mountain rescue team and a specialist rescue unit held a joint training session.

Members of Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team (DFMRT) were first treated to a talk about various mines in the team's patch and their history.

Members of Cumbria Ore Mines Rescue Unit then progressed to discussing some of the unit's specialist equipment and techniques - with the intention that these could assist DFMRT in future.

A DFMRT spokesman said the event had finished with a joint exercise in which an English reeve was rigged up. This is a type of highline system that allows for horizontal, sloping and vertical movement.

"This is typically used within swift water rescue, but could potentially be applied to scenarios around shafts or unstable edges," said the spokesman.

DFMRT also announced the team had hosted a visit by 1st Ulverston Victoria Scout Group at the end of September.

A talk about the team's work and training was given, as well as a demonstration of DFMRT's stretcher equipment - an exercise that saw the children carrying one of the scout group's leaders by stretcher.