A LONG campaign aimed at slamming the brakes on reckless motorists has reached a successful conclusion with speed cushions being installed on Biggar Bank Road.

Residents of the Walney community have worked alongside Labour county councillor Frank Cassidy to bring about improvements after many instances of speeding drivers causing near-misses in recent years.

Pinch-points, warning signs and road safety markings were introduced on the carriageway around 20 months ago, but Covid restrictions halted the works that were being implemented by Cumbria County Council.

The road was closed for six days while the speed cushions were put in place and the highway has now re-opened.

“The first thing to do is to thank everyone for their patience," Cllr Cassidy said.

“There were hurdles to overcome but Biggar Bank Road is now a safer stretch of highway for everyone who uses it and that includes residents, families, horseback riders, walkers, runners, visitors and those just taking their dogs out for a stroll.

“There will always be a minority of people who will think about hitting the accelerator regardless of what's in front of them.

SLOW DOWN: Cllr Frank Cassidy next to new sign

SLOW DOWN: Cllr Frank Cassidy next to new sign

“But the new speed cushions, combined with other pieces of road infrastructure should make their high-speed antics a bit harder to accomplish.

“I would also like to thank Cumbria Highways officers – particularly traffic management team leader Mo Dooz – for their help in making it happen and a salute goes to the highways operatives who completed the work during some horrendous weather.”

Better Biggar Bank Community Group, an organisation of residents and councillors whose goal is to make measurable positive changes to the popular island seaboard - acquired the help of residents from HMP Haverigg to make repairs to a damaged footpath along Biggar Bank.

Group member Sandra Murray crowdfunded on Facebook to obtain the funds to buy the aggregate and residents of the prison completed the repairs over a number of weeks.

Chair Nancy McKinnell said: “The Better Biggar Bank Community Group was established in early 2019 and thanks to generous support six new picnic benches have been sited on the bank.

“The upgraded path now offers a more comfortable surface for all to walk, run, cycle or be pushed along, making it far more accessible while thanks to Barrow council some litter bins have been replaced and they are being emptied more regularly.

“It has been a true community effort.”