THOUSANDS of people attended town's Oktoberfest ready to drink and party the night away with traditional German food, beer and music.

Party goes of all ages attended The Matt Johnson Prestige Stadium, Barrow over the weekend including the Friday in traditional German fancy dress ready to get the night started with lots of drinking and dancing.

The three day event saw Oom-pah bands, German food stalls, as well as the traditional German beer providing an excellent day for all under marquees at the stadium.

Events director Jack Fawcett was beaming with pride after seeing the creation he pulled off on the Friday.

He said: “The festival has gone better than expected. It’s been really wild.

“It’s great to see everyone in the town getting behind it.

“Seeing people having a laugh and dancing around with the first bit of freedom in a long time is great.

“Today (Saturday) and the rest of the week is going to be a belter.

“Everyone is already getting dressed up and getting involved, it's great to see them having a good time.”

The Barrow Raiders first ever Oktoberfest event idea came from Chairman Steve Neal who said how going to the event in Bavaria was an inspiration to this event and hopes to replicate the success in Barrow for all those that would like to go, but cannot due to the Covid-19 restrictions currently in place for travelling abroad and the fact it has been cancelled in Munich.

Jack along with the Barrow Raiders commercial team put their ideas into a hat and made the magic happen.

Jack said: “It’s been a tough two months of sorting everything out, making sure the marques are here on time and decorations and production are in place, it’s just making of the little things that make the event really come together.

The team are in the process of organising the Christmas markets but wants to keep everything else a surprise

He said: “All I can say for now is watch this space.”