THE NHS has delivered over 850,000 top-up jabs to those at risk to Covid-19.

Nationally a total of 863,460 people have already had their top up jab, including boosters and some third doses, since the NHS launched its booster programme.

More than a million people have already been quick to book in for their booster since the online service opened for bookings just last week.

Lancashire and South Cumbria Vaccination Programme Senior Responsible Officer Jane Scattergood said: “The NHS booster programme is already off to a tremendous start, with thousands of people in Lancashire and South Cumbria having received a top-up jab in just a few short weeks.

“Getting your booster vaccine if you are eligible, or your third primary dose if you are severely immunosuppressed, is one of the most important things you can do to ensure the protection you’ve gained from your first and second doses is maintained over the winter months.

“Please get your COVID-19 booster as soon as you’re offered it, as well as your flu vaccine, to help keep the virus at bay”.