Dallam School recommend five things you should consider before filling in the school preferences form with your child.

1. Courses

Most state secondary schools offer a similar curriculum. It's important to know that the teachers delivering the curriculum have the best knowledge and experience to do it.  All teachers at Dallam School are subject specialists – they know the subject inside out. They have a personal interest in keeping up-to-date with current thinking and develop creative and innovative ways of teaching.

The Mail:

2. Being happy

Happy, confident students are more likely to gain the best from their school years.  Dallam’s pastoral care - including a dedicated, non-teaching pastoral team - provides expert support academically, socially and emotionally. 

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3. Having friends

Friendships can change dramatically after starting secondary school, so make sure the choice isn't primarily based on where their friends are going.  As an international state boarding school, students choose to join Dallam from across the UK and around the world. Our welcoming and inclusive ethos and highly skilled team are well rehearsed in how to help students settle in quickly and make friends. 

The Mail:

4. Independence

Unique to South Lakeland, Dallam offers flexi-boarding with no tuition fees to pay.  Flexi boarding provides an environment where students can learn to be more responsible for themselves, their work and their friendships. 

Students benefit from a wealth of social activities every evening.  With the school day and homework taken care of, flexi-boarding allows families to enjoy quality time together. It’s perfect for families who want the personal development benefits boarding but not every day.  Also, mixing with boarding students will allow your child to build friendships outside of Cumbria and the UK.

5. Preparation for the future

Which school will prepare your child for the future?  Dallam understands that students' ambitions grow and change over time which is why their careers programme runs from Year 7 to the end of Sixth Form to help them develop an early awareness of the opportunities in employment, training and further/higher education and how it affects choices they make. 

Visit Dallam School’s open evening, 6pm-8pm, September 22, 2022.


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