YOUNG people in Kendal and Ulverston are being offered £10 vouchers for Covid vaccines.

The new scheme will run from leisure centres in Kendal and Ulverston that will offer passes and vouchers if people have had the Covid vaccine.

South Lakeland District Council said: "Calling all 16 to 30 year olds - Kendal and Ulverston Leisure Centres are offering free passes and £10 vouchers if you've had your Covid vaccine.

Drew Peacock said: "This should be illegal. Never heard so much rubbish in all my life. Paying young people to have a vaccine they don't need. How about educating them on them on improving their immune systems naturally without taking an experimental drug. I have read up on vaccines and found that there's never been one that has eradicated a coronavirus. Covid-19 will just be added to that list and we will learn to live with it. The young who are fit and healthy, not over weight and have no other serious illnesses will be fine as survival rate is over 99.9%. So we don't need to take part in this experiment that could have serious repercussions."

Sam West said: "A £10 voucher had nothing on New York that offered free burger and fries with the clot shot which has nothing on North Carolina who put people into a million dollar lottery."

Fred Faller said: "If my child was incentivised to inject drugs into their body for £10 I will have failed as a parent."

Rob Hold said: "An excellent idea. We need to get the younger generation to accept they are not invincible, this disease can and does have serious consequences for young and old, fit and unfit. Too many people, with knowledge only gleaned from Facebook and other sites prepared to believe theories with no scientific basis. The vaccine is safe, maybe not perfect, but it reduces the chances of being seriously affected by Covid drastically."

Colin Towns said: "I think people are overacting on this. It's a nice little thing for young people and the leisure centres are just trying to do some business."