AN NHS worker is raising much-needed funds to help those affected by the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Violence has been escalating between Israel and Palestine over the past week, resulting in the deaths of at least 212 people, including 61 children, in Gaza since the latest conflict began.

After watching the devastation unfold on the news, key worker Roxanne Wilson decided to take on a challenge to raise as much money as possible to help those affected.

The 29-year-old from Ulverston is walking 15,000 steps a day and giving up wine to raise money for the cause.

She said: "I saw on the news how bad the situation was in Gaza - that families were being ripped apart and children were being bombed or left orphaned due to the constant war going on there and people being forced out of there homes.

"It really shocked and upset me so I tried to think of a way I could help in any form at all.

"Then I remembered a few months back people were doing a certain amount of steps every day to help raise money for hospices etc so I thought why don't I do the same to try raise even a small amount to help.

"Also the people that know me well know how much I enjoy a wine in the evening so thought if I gave that up on top of doing 15,000 steps a day it's something to be sponsored for.

"I would be so so grateful for any amount off anyone as it would help massively the people suffering out there.

"Ideally I set the goal at £100 but if we could raise more that would be absolutely amazing. Even just £1 towards helping will soon add up."

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