A pigeon handed a new lease of life thanks to a kind-hearted Samaritan has been welcomed by readers as much-needed good news.

An injured bird was rushed to Bardsea Bird Sanctuary over the weekend after it was spotted ‘cut open’ outside Burger King in Barrow.

The bird was ‘close to death’ when it was taken to the vet for emergency care, with quick-thinking efforts helping to save it.

Alice Simmons said: “I like these recent feel-good stories we’ve been getting lately. It’s a change from all the Covid, lockdown and dark stories we’ve had all through the pandemic.”

James Nathans said: “How did this even happen? You’d think animals had better instincts.”

Alisa Roberts said: “It’s called the food chain; it was probably a sparrowhawk. Because that pigeon was saved another bird starved or would have likely just gone on to kill another bird anyway. Just leave nature to take its course.”

Barry Burns said: “I don’t like these injured pigeons, seagull stories. Let’s get back to food hygiene and criminal activity stories. Everybody loves them. And no tractors.”

Liam Devlin said: “Fantastic picture of a herring pigeon or is it a black headed pigeon or lesser black backed pigeon no it’s not a pigeon at all but a gull.”

James Munroe said: “It’s good that there are people out there who actually do give some thought to animals even while we have a million other things to worry about. Good on them.”

Billie Mack said: “I used to own some doves and this stuff is actually more common than people realise. Just this time there was someone with a camera.”