A Lakes restaurant owner has played a key part in a campaign inspiring Cumbria schoolchildren to get in the kitchen.

Simon Rogan, who owns L’Enclume in Cartmel, took part in the 'Cook Bake Grow – Lockdown Aspiration in the Kitchen' project, which has now resulted in a cookbook.

The cookbook features recipes from Simon alongside 12 recipes from the young, budding chefs too.

In his foreword, top chef Simon, who also owns restaurants in London, said: “I was so pleased when the Primary Business Partnership asked me to be a part of this competition to inspire young people to get into the kitchen, get creative and cook.

COOKING: Simon Rogan (left) and Paul Burgalieres in the L’Enclume Kitchen

COOKING: Simon Rogan (left) and Paul Burgalieres in the L’Enclume Kitchen

"Over the last year the hospitality and catering industry has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic and this initiative has been a great opportunity to show the children the different career opportunities that are available within Cumbria. I hope this book and all of the contributors also inspire you to think of a career working with food.”

Primary Business Partnership (PBP) orchestrated the campaign.

Claire Johnson, primary programme manager at PBP, has revealed why they called on children to start cooking.

Claire said: “We wanted to create something that would encourage children to think about food and how it is produced, and at the same time brighten up lockdown. Cooking for yourself or with your family is fun and rewarding, and I hope that young people and adults use the recipes in this book to get cooking and be more creative in the kitchen.”

CARTMEL: L’Enclume has two Michelin stars.

CARTMEL: L’Enclume has two Michelin stars.

Overall winner was Molly Barlow with her ‘cheesey pie’. Molly, from Bridekirk Dovenby CofE Primary School, chose the recipe because it recalled her favourite cheese pie school dinner which she was missing during lockdown. She was also able to use local eggs, and mint grown by her uncle in his allotment. The Cook Bake Grow book is available to download on the PBP website: https://primarybusinesspartnership.org.uk