CALLS have been made to install security cameras outside empty shops to prevent vandalism.

Barrow BID has put forward a proposal to fund five or six CCTV cameras outside of vacant shops in Barrow town centre.

The plans come after a number of vacant buildings in the town centre have been targeted, including the former Thorntons Cafe and Lakeland Dry Cleaning shop.

Inspector Gareth Jesson from Barrow Local Focus Policing team revealed concerns about how officers could manage a CCTV scheme.

He said: "I'm not sure police would manage the scheme.

"But the local officer or police community support officer would be able to access the system and download footage if a crime occurs."

As well as security cameras, Barrow BID has also proposed protecting empty shops with vinyl window displays.

At the Barrow BID board meeting in August, chair, Paul Hodgson, proposed how vinyl window displays would benefit the vacant Thorntons Cafe building in particular.

The building has been subject to vandalism since closing its doors earlier this year.

A Barrow BID spokesman said: "The whole unit is of geographical value to Portland Walk and is brand damaging in its current state.

"Window vinyls would go some way to tidying up the unit and adding some security to the windows."

Barrow BID announced plans to approach the building owners about the scheme.

Calls have also been made by Barrow BID members for more police officer presence in the town after a rise in anti-social behaviour. Cumbria Police said they would consider placing more officers in Barrow town centre.