DEAR PDSA Vet: My lawn was just turning green again after the dry spell, but my dog’s wee keeps leaving brown patches. Is there anything that stops this? Finlay

Nitrogen in dogs’ urine causes this and is perfectly normal. You could train your dog to toilet in one specific spot or water the urine down as soon as your dog has finished. Some pet shops sell posts you can stick into the ground to encourage male dogs to wee against them. Some other things to try include walking first thing in the morning, when urine is at its strongest, so your dog goes elsewhere and making sure your dog has plenty of fresh water to drink in order to naturally dilute the strength of their wee. Looking after your lawn with a pet-safe feed will also help to keep it in tip top condition.

Dear PDSA Vet: I recently noticed that my Yorkshire Terrier, Dandy, has been passing blood in his faeces. There isn’t a lot, but it is noticeable. Could this be serious and what should I do? Chloe

There can be lots of causes for blood in the stool; some can be very minor and some more serious. It’s best to get your dog checked by a vet, but the good news is you don’t need to panic. In dogs, blood in the poo is most commonly caused by gastroenteritis (a tummy upset) or colitis (an inflammation of the colon) which will often improve over a few days with the right treatment. But as there can be other, more serious causes, it’s best to get your dog checked to determine the cause and begin any necessary treatment.

Dear PDSA Vet: I think our cat has disowned us! She visits for breakfast but, apart from that, we don’t see her for the rest of the day. She’s always loved it here and curls up on us, purrs and demands the occasional treat. What can we do to make her want to come back? Georgia

Cats are natural roamers and can visit other homes of their own accord. It’s best to check with neighbours to see if they know where she has been going. Some cats will visit other homes if they’re being given treats or they feel that their home territory has changed; such as a new baby or pet, or the smell of decorating. If you find out where she’s going, politely ask the neighbour to refrain from giving any treats and consider making a comfy familiar den area where she can relax in your home.

Dear PDSA Vet: I noticed about a week ago that my cat had a sore mouth and now I’ve spotted some blood as well. What could it be? Ann-Marie

Cats can get lots of different mouth problems and unfortunately they aren’t good at letting us know if they’re in pain or if it hurts to eat. Dental and gum disease is common in cats and they can get a condition called gingivo-stomatitis which causes very red, inflamed gums and ulcers on the tongue. Other possible causes of sores and ulcers in a cat’s mouth are infections with the viruses that cause cat flu and kidney disease or, sometimes, they may have licked something that’s caused irritation. Ulcers and sores can be painful conditions and can stop cats eating so it’s best to call your vet as soon as possible and to regularly check your cat’s mouth and teeth.