THE Mail has asked its readers which shops they can’t to see reopen from next Monday. Let us know if we’ve missed any out...

1. N C Meats, Barrow

Since 2006, this butchers, owned by Neil Charnley, has been serving locally-sourced meat on Dalton Road. Butchering is done on site, while they make their own sausages and mince meat. Charnley’s wife Alison helps run the business.

2. Harts The Jewellers, Barrow

This family-run business has been based in Barrow Market since 1971, but has been now been running for over 70 years and has a loyal customer base, selling jewellery, clocks and watches. They also provide a repairs service.

3. Bumblebee, Barrow

On Scott Street, this place styles itself as a ‘shabby chic shop.’ Running in Barrow since 2002, Bumblebee sells all kinds of quirky gifts, including homeware, vintage decor, personalised plaques, frames, bunting and candles.

4. Loopy, Ulverston

A must for knitting enthusiasts, Loopy have been providing quality wool on Market Street since 2018, after moving across town from Upper Brook Street. The shop sells a variety of yarns and wools for both novice and expert knitters.

5. S Mason & Sons Butchers, Barrow

The oldest independent retailer on this list, this butchers on Rawlinson Street has been providing fresh meats to customers for over a century, taking in plenty of awards along the way. More hard-to-com-by meats, such as ostrich and kangaroo, have been sold here, alongside the more traditional beef and pork.

6. Harling’s Books, Barrow

For all the electronic devices now available, we still like to bury ourselves in a good book and this shop on Crellin Street has been selling page-turners since 1956. Has been run by Terry Bains and his partner Maureen Davies since 1997.

7. Pastures New, Barrow

Another entry based in that cradle of indie shops, Scott Street. Jill and Richard Holmes set up the business in 1984 and have long since gained a reputation for quality healthfood products and knowledgeable staff.

8. Squirrel, Ulverston

About as eclectic as it gets, this shop on Market Street bills itself as ‘A Store of Buried Treasure.’ You can find almost anything here, including stationery, toys, furniture, ceramics and there’s even a craft area at the rear.

9. TNT Records, Barrow

Vinyl has made something of a comeback of late and this record store on Duke Street has been extremely popular since opening its doors in December 2018. One year later, they were named record shop of the year by Long Live Vinyl magazine.

10. Icon Menswear, Barrow

We finish where we started by heading back to Dalton Road. Icon was opened in 1999 by owner Siraz Patel and it is the only men’s clothes shop in town where you can find brands such as Fred Perry, Boss, Gym King and Police.