The Mail readers have their say on new rules in force which make it illegal to have sex at home with someone who you do not live with.

Jonathan Wheeler said: “Who’s rule is this? Is it forever or a rule they are only just introducing due to social distancing despite us beginning to lift rules as the rate reduces? As the Government have not written to me how can I be expected to know when new rules are released and therefore be held accountable for not following them?”

Jan Hannah said: “When I saw this I laughed. Is it true I thought? If it is for social distancing it’s a bit late off the blocks.”

Susan Kent said: “Goodness knows how this will be enforced.”

Chris Grennell said: “And how exactly are they going to enforce that rule? It is absolutely pathetic.”

Ron Davies said: “Is it belated April Fool Day?”

Andrew Mcbride said: "So? Don't have to do it at home, let's go outside."

Ian Garnett said: “But it was legal last month under lockdown was it?”

Rachel Smith said: “This cannot be true, I don’t believe it. How on earth could the government check people.”

Sarah Lee said: “This is an absolutely crazy idea - I’ve got no idea how they’re going to enforce the rule though.”