Aries (Mar21/Apr20) If you’re going to emerge from a place of obscurity, you must get an advanced education. Getting a scholarship from a religious, cultural or government institution is possible, but it will require filling out extensive paperwork. Ask a patient Libra for help. Accept an opportunity to work as an administrator. Although you’d prefer to take on a different position, you must get some practical experience. Look at this job as the first step up the ladder to success. Bigger and better opportunities are ahead.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’ve always had a knack for handling money well. Take this opportunity to make some long-term investments. Having a retirement account or stock portfolio will protect you from economic uncertainty. Opportunities related to property, food and luxury goods are advised. Skip a social gathering if you’re feeling tired. It’s more important to recharge your batteries than catch up on the latest gossip. Don’t worry; there will be future opportunities to flirt and have fun. Attend to your health first.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Stop worrying about the competition at work. You’ve been blessed with enormous creative talent. By developing it at every opportunity, you’ll achieve the professional success you desire. It helps that you have several gifts at your disposal. You’re no one trick pony. Quarrels with your business or romantic partner are weighing on your mind. No matter how much pressure you put on your other half, they won’t change their opinion. If harmony is going to be restored to your relationship, you must agree to disagree.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A narrow-minded attitude will keep you from getting the job offers you want. Put your judgmental attitudes aside for the sake of productivity. You may not share a person’s beliefs, but that doesn’t mean you cannot collaborate. Team up with a well-travelled colleague. Your health is delicate. Give your body the nutritious food and regular exercise it needs to thrive. It’s also wise to establish a restful bedtime routine. Slowly but surely, your exhaustion will give way to energy.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It’s time to set firm financial boundaries. In the past, you were quick to lend money to anyone who asked for it. Now you must take a more conservative approach to finances. Be prepared to turn away requests for help with polite but firm refusals. Although it’s tempting to neglect your work for a romantic encounter, you should fulfil your professional responsibilities. Taking the day off when your boss needs you most will make your colleagues very resentful.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Beware of joining forces with an unreliable person. If you are going to be expected to do all the work, you might as well go solo. Manipulators sense that you’re diligent. That’s why they are always seeking your help. Stay alert. Home life is stressful. You haven’t had time to tidy the place to your high standards. Think about investing in a professional cleaning service. It will be such a relief to walk through the door and have everything in its proper place.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) An assignment will take more time than expected. If you’re setting a price for this work, be cautious. You don’t want to be paid a pittance for such an extensive project. When it comes to making money, you must be more aggressive. Negative feedback on your appearance shouldn’t upset you. The person who is criticising you is wildly jealous. Thank them for their feedback and keep doing what you love best. That’s always the best guide in life.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Depriving yourself of the finer things in life is a mistake. It’s important to reward yourself for working hard. If others criticise your priorities, ignore them. Because you’re such a resourceful worker, people often think you are lazy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Resist the temptation to publicly shame someone on social media. Although you find a relative’s behaviour disturbing, there are better ways to appeal to their conscience. Invite them to lunch and discuss your concerns.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Stop selling yourself short. Voices from your childhood discouraged you from being confident. Now you’re older, you can give yourself full credit for being an intelligent, capable and compassionate person. You can be successful in any area you choose. Your living space feels chaotic. Take time out of your busy schedule to sort things out. If the task feels overwhelming, begin with a single drawer. Once you start tidying up, you’ll become even more determined to get the whole place in order.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Be honest about your shortcomings. If someone asks if you have the experience you lack, tell the truth. You don’t want to get a reputation for being deceptive. Put your pride aside and agree to learn from someone who is much younger. Beware of keeping secrets. They will hurt innocent victims. When a friend asks you to cover their deception, be ready to refuse. Although you want to help your loved one, you can’t compromise your conscience in the process.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Asking friends for money will put strain on these relationships. It’s better to find another source of income. Contrary to popular belief, you can make a good living while working for a charitable organisation. Look for opportunities with a group or foundation you’ve always admired. Your value system is changing. In the past, you didn’t place much importance on material goods. Now you are seeing the benefit of economic security. This doesn’t mean you are shallow. On the contrary, you will always share your prosperity with others.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) People have always teased you about being dreamy and unrealistic. In truth, your potential for professional success is tremendous. Making money from your creative talent will be easy when you build your confidence. Reciting positive affirmations in the mirror can help. Spend a few moments making professional plans. The more clearly you picture what kind of work you want to perform, the easier it will be to manifest these dreams. Whatever you conceive can be achieved. Don’t be modest about your ambitions.