A SOUTH Lakes MP has met with the Transport minister to make the case for a comprehensive bus service for Cumbria

South Lakes MP Tim Farron made the case for better bus services for Cumbria during a meeting with Transport minister Baroness Vere.

The minister asked Mr Farron to work with Transport for the North to draw up a bid for the Government to fund a comprehensive rural bus network for Cumbria.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Farron said: “I’m really grateful to the receptive response the minister gave to our case. For too long, local people have been isolated from their surrounding villages and towns which is especially problematic in Cumbria when the average age for people in our area is 10 per cent higher than the national average.

"It is utterly ludicrous that bus services in London receive a £722 million annual subsidy, when in Cumbria we receive nothing at all."