Nicola Johnson said: How can they say it would harm the conservation area, it was an eye sore and falling down it would harm human life more like it. It's just a shame the council didn't tell the owner to do it up and bring it back to life to show off the historic building. The council and the historic England need to get off their backsides and start looking at these buildings and whoever owns them to do them up and look after them not wait till they fall down.

Joanne Winter said: The House of Lords needs going too, it’s a death trap waiting to happen.

Peter Grimshaw said: Now go across the road and flatten the house of lords.

Mark Casson said: Sadly it's a bloody eye sore about time it came down. So long as the lands not used as a car park? Be nice to see a modern building built in its place. All those moaning why not get together and save an old building like the Railway club on the strand that's falling to bits.

Colin Williams said: Never mind that. Demolish that wreck of an eye sore that was burnt to the ground years ago at the bottom of Abbey road. Namely the old House of Lords. That’s beyond saving.

Jamie Jones said: Let's be honest does anyone care about the listed buildings? They're just eyesores and make the town look decrepit.

John Eccles said: Couldn't be saved more like the owner saw a quick buck and demolished it knowing he can make money from the land.

Ronnie White said: Tell you what let’s pull Furness Abbey down as well , the Council leave listed buildings empty till they look bad and then say it’s beyond repair. Won’t be long before there is no listed buildings left. Let’s pull that old town hall down that’s out of date now.

Neal Tyson said: Why would anyone want to save it? Tick it off the list n knock down some more eyesores starting with what's left of the house of Lords.

Roger Payne said: What a joke that has become, it will be three years in January! Disgusting.