Readers react to cops plan to stop and search more

Abbie Wheeler And this will help how?

Darren Collinson Nothing to fear but the uniform in front of you sounds a bit like errr oh yeah a police state

Kris Tank Telfer They can give me a cavity search if they really wish

John Lamb Kris Tank Telfer and do

June Madison Christopher, when did you ever see 3 police patrolling the streets, that’s long gone unless you mean the cardboard cut outs outside shops

Jeff Pickthall Oh dear, the excuse that enabled every authoritarian police state ever.

Brendan Purcell No lawful right

Christopher Wilde With all 3 police.

Peter Cahill Nothing to hide,nowt to worry about.. better to be safe than sorry!

Colin Wright As long as I have the right to demand the police officer is also searched by someone else..

Scott Glitch Hall P1ss off, we have a right to privacy. Full stop. Ok if you're acting suspicious in a suspicious situation/after an incident. But not just any old time and place. It's not Nazi Germany.

Emily James There needs to be reasonable ground for a stop and search. Not just because someone is wearing a Bob Marley hoodie for example 😂 or a couple of lads hanging around a corner shop. If someone is causing trouble or they’ve been reported then fine but you can’t just search everyone you want under no reasonable suspicion

Lordy Jason Edward Wood Nothing to fear maybe, lack of respect and dignity of being searched in the street like my gran who was over 80 and forgot to pay because of dementia maybe.

John Lamb That attitude doesn't justify the right to refuse a stop search for the hell of it. I ask you if you are comfortable with the police coming to your house and rummage through your knicker draw (ladies) or your private property? It is no different to a personal search. The starzi and gru used to do such a thing

Alice Hunter Go for it....He'd be bored to death searching me