Your stars with Russell Grant

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

There’s never been a better time to start a cleanse. Giving your body premium fuel will increase your energy. It will also clarify your thinking. Never underestimate the importance of your mind-body connection. When you’re in good physical health, you make good decisions. Take a course in a subject you love. You’ll become so immersed in your work that you’ll forget your troubles. You’ll also glow with happiness. If you’re not in a relationship, you soon will be with a fellow student.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

Your love life is emitting sparks. It feels wonderful to be with someone who shares your sensual nature. Spending the entire day in bed together is a distinct possibility. Have fun experimenting with different techniques to bring mutual satisfaction. You belong together. It’s time to overhaul a public institution that has lost touch with its true purpose. When making an argument, back it up with reliable facts and figures. Your extensive research will pay off, attracting investors and supporters from every corner.

Gemini (May22/Jun21)

Abandon yourself to pleasant domestic pursuits. This is a great time to invent recipes, add decorative touches to your home and make your surroundings more comfortable. If you need suggestions, talk to a tasteful Libra. They’ll show you how to achieve the desired effect. Positive feedback on a creative project fills you with delight. It’s good to have the approval of an artist you respect. With their encouragement, you’ll finish a book, fashion line or musical score. Give yourself a gold star.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23)

Be kind when delivering criticism to a relative or neighbour. Just because they ask for your opinion does not give you license to be harsh. Temper your remarks with sincere praise. It will be easier to take your advice when it’s sweetened with encouragement. A well-paid position could be offered to you. This involves lots more travel, which gives you pause for thought. You’re a homebody who likes spending lots of time with your family. Be willing to make this sacrifice to increase your income.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23)

Your fun-loving personality attracts romantic interest wherever you go. If you’re looking for love, you’ll find it with an adventurer who wants to travel the world with you. Although you may not know each other well, that shouldn’t stop you from booking a trip together. More money for luxuries is pouring in. This is a great time to add something special to a personal collection. Your acquisition will give you great happiness. Display it in a prominent place where it will continually uplift and inspire you.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23)

Your charisma is very powerful. Use it to get a favour, win someone’s heart or land a job. Updating your image could work wonders. Spend a little more money than usual on an expert stylist who can bring out your most attractive qualities. You’re very happy with a relative’s progress. They’ve worked hard to overcome a personal problem. Now they have achieved victory, it is time to celebrate. Treat them to a special gift or outing that is tailored to their taste.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23)

One of your greatest assets is your social circle. Whether you’re looking for a job, creative opportunity or romantic partner, you should spread the word among friends. One of them will hear of the perfect situation for you. Everyone wants the best for you. Lately, you’ve been making the rounds of parties. This has drained your energy. Retreating to a quiet place will be therapeutic. Turn off your mobile and stay off the Internet until you feel better again.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

The future looks bright with a romantic prospect. Both of you are loyal people seeking a long-term relationship. Instead of worrying about each other’s feelings, your mutual affection will be obvious. This gives you more time to have fun and build a nest together. A chance to dramatically increase your income will fall in your lap. Becoming the creative director of a large division will be rewarding. You’ll bring out the best in workers by refusing to micromanage them if they perform well.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

You turn heads wherever you go. There’s never been a better time to give a presentation, attend an interview or go on an audition. Everyone will be impressed by your communication skills, along with your obvious intelligence. You break down complex concepts into simple ideas. Working with an enemy will be effective. Although you dislike a prideful colleague, you do admire their creative talent. Together, you can create some attractive work that is very profitable. Put your differences aside for the sake of business.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

Your powers of persuasion are strong. Use them to convince the sceptics in the group to try something new. The prospect of doing business within an untapped market is exciting.There is a great deal of money to be made with these customers. It’s helpful to learn as much as possible about a culture that is quickly growing in your community. Knowing their habits, desires and concerns will be crucial to earning their trust and patronage. Reach out and schedule some meetings.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You’ll meet someone special at a professional gathering. It’s hard to resist the charm of someone who is always laughing and cheerful. By joining forces, you can create a line of products and services that is highly successful. You both know what the public wants. Beware of rushing a romance. Before abandoning yourself to passion, get to know each other first. You might discover that you’re better suited as friends than lovers. Hold out for an amour who can give you the intellectual stimulation you crave.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Your love life is effervescent with excitement. If you want a partner, you’ll find one at a farmer’s market, bookstore or classroom. Keep your eyes open for someone with a soap and water freshness that excites your imagination. The chemistry between you is powerful. You’ll be recognised for a recent professional achievement. Collecting an award or bonus will make you flush with pride. It’s especially nice that so many of your colleagues are happy for your success. They’re not jealous, just appreciative.