DEFACING a European Election ballot paper with “l voted Leave” is a dumb idea.

Wisdom from a friend has rescued me from such churlishness. Elections are honourable instruments, each of us can play a part in restoring the democracy we jeopardised when we joined the Common Market.

We gave Parliament 17.4 million votes, 498 MPs promised to honour the result but now think they know better, no longer expecting or deserving our support.

A Brexit protest vote makes sense even if the candidates don’t belong to the party of choice.

Labour, the Greens, and the Libdems; however sincere fielding MEP candidates, they are sincerely wrong.

Our participation in this election is an embarrassment, adding to the strains that already exist in both Parliaments.

Fiscal disunity and the Euro are the two major factors in this election, both are no business of ours. The game might soon be up for the club at the top.

Raymond Hall, via email