WHILE a cup of tea unites we British like no other, the debate of which biscuit goes alongside it has the power to divide families and turn friends into enemies.

Today we mark World Biscuit Day, a celebration of all things crunchy, crumbly or covered in chocolate.

With just over a week to go before the country goes to the polls to elect a new government, we ask you to cast your vote wisely, and help crown the biscuit champion of the South Lakes.

GALLERY: A collection of decades worth of digestive biscuit adverts have been released

Are you a traditionalist and opt for the classic Rich Tea, or perhaps the raisin-filled Garibaldi is more to your taste.

Will the sturdy Chocolate Hobnob nab the top spot or will shortbread, the biscuit of the Lake District take your vote.

Let us know what you think, and vote in our poll below.

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