A school in Barrow has received special recognition for the garden its pupils have put together.

Dane Ghyll Community School and Nursery earned a certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society, which they revealed on Tuesday.

The school said the award served as an acknowledgement of the hard work the children have put into creating and bettering the garden.

They added: "We have now reached level three and have received a certificate for each level, together with packets of seeds and beautiful gardening books."

Read more: Dane Ghyll school in Barrow runner up in national awards | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity, which aims to enrich everyone’s life through plants and make the UK a 'greener and more beautiful' place.

The RHS Campaign for School Gardening works with schools and groups to help children and young people experience the power of plants.