ACCORDING to a recent report, Barrow's shipyard is at 'very great' risk of flooding in the near future.

Findings by the Nuclear Consulting Group suggest BAE's shipyard would be left 'profoundly vulnerable' to flooding from sea-level rises due to the impact of climate change. 

It claimed the shipyard was among nine nuclear sites that are threatened by the possibility of increased rainfall and a rise in sea levels.

The report is based on models predicting sea levels in 2050 following the effects of climate change.

In reaction to the report, readers said it is a good job that Barrow builds submarines.

Dean Callow said: "Good job we build submarines then ain't it."

LogicN said: "It's within most people's lifetime. There are workers currently employed there that could be affected."

Furness Abbot said: "No problem here. Everything they build floats and/or works underwater."

Julie Jewels Vigus said: “Back in the late 60's early 70's the ‘science’ was saying there would be another ice age within 60 years. Wish they would make their minds up.”

Simon Walker said: "Well it will make launching the subs easier, but its buggered up my ride to work."

Mike Mcveigh simply said: "Utter garbage."

Keith Hill said: “Lots of differing scientific words and views written and spoken on this subject. What's wrong today can be right tomorrow. No one, including scientists, have knowledge of the world beyond this very minute. No one will ever know who is right until it's either happened or not happened. That's nature I'm afraid.”

Kev Fox said: "Underwater diving services on Barrow island will be able to operate their office underwater. The irony."

Dave J Taylor said: "The models are inaccurate because there are far too many variables. Does anyone remember the doom slayers prediction of the ozone layer collapsing? Business as usual and skipped the rest of the article. Grow more trees!"