The end of this week sees World Nature Conservation Day, a global day of recognition which acknowledges that a healthy environment is the foundation for a stable and healthy society.

It’s a valuable opportunity to celebrate the many beautiful and varied forms of wild fauna and flora and to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits that their conservation provides to us all.

From the smallest dung beetle up (I never say “lowly”, as they are amazing creatures!), every life-form is interconnected, and make no mistake, no dung beetles = no us.

We get visitors at the zoo worried they won’t be able to make a difference, and the good news is, there’s plenty of fun and achievable things you can do to help our fantastic native wildlife, and become a “Conservation Hero."

For example, it’s brilliant to hear increasing numbers of people participating in “no-mow May”. Introducing a range native wildflowers or wild areas into your garden, especially ones which flower at different times of the year, will hugely benefit bees, insects and butterflies (all vital pollinators).

Lots of people put out (shallow) water and food for hedgehogs at this time of year, and of course hibernation houses or woodpiles in winter.

One of the greatest way you can help is ensuring vital access for these wide-ranging “gardeners’ friends”.

Talking to your neighbours about making access holes in garden fences is a great way to get to know and act as a community- could you break the record for longest “’Hog Motorway”?

Litter picking isn’t glamourous, but is vital to prevent wildlife becoming poisoned, suffocated, starved or trapped.

Consider joining your local Wildlife Trust; they do amazing work, and co-ordinate events like the spring toad crossings, which are both invaluable and, I can report, great fun.

Initiatives at the zoo like our purpose-built classroom and recycling hub help us spread the word.

And the school holidays are perfect for embarking on a fun family conservation challenge.

It’s something all keepers are passionate about, so come and talk to us for fun ideas, tips and encouragement. Conservation Heroes: Assemble.