MAIL readers have weighed in on a plan for a new Morecambe Bay authority after community groups and businesses were briefed on proposal.

Councillors have already rubber-stamped a restructuring of local government across the Bay, to include council in Barrow, South Lakeland and Lancaster.

In December, all three councils agreed the business case for a Bay unitary should be submitted to Government following a positive response from a consultation with residents.

Harry Johnson said: "It was always Lancashire and always will be to me."

Allan Calvert said: "Looks sensible to me. Cumbria never made sense as Carlisle is so far away from Furness - best part of two hours drive away. Morecambe Bay Area much more sensible to me."

Gaz Pritch said: "No no no unless it’s to rejoin us to our traditional home of Lancashire. If we do this then both counties could have the get out of jail card and blame the other for what ever shortcomings develop. We don’t need additional layers of government we need the ones we have to perform and if they don’t sack the lot of them."

Ian McSkimmings said: "I think its a great concept... we are not Cumbria, we are Lancashire. I used to wind my dad up about it, but now I know he was right."

Paul Griffiths said: "It’s a better proposal than the one put forward by the Government joining us with Carlisle, nearly two hours away. We share so much more with the Bay region than we ever could with Carlisle. Nothing wrong with Carlisle but for a start they’re double the travelling distance and won’t have too much interest in things that affect the Bay region such as tidal concerns, shared ecological issues and tourism. Nobody was pushing for a unitary authority but, against advice, the Tories have insisted it goes ahead in the middle of a pandemic!"

Allen Rodgers said: "Gaz Pritch, there won't be an additional layer of government. By definition ,the unitary authority would replace the county and district councils."