Barrow's coronavirus crisis are showing signs of dropping but the area will stay in the Tier 2 alert level. Here is what Mail readers think...

Blobon: “Let’s wait and see how this pans out in the long run before we all start with the high fives.The long term human costs are unmeasured at this point, but once again we will have to see. Whether all the jobs that have gone, businesses busted, missed cancer treatments, mental health, suicides, and the destruction of the economy was worth it.”

Edward spaghetti: “The virus will grind you down in the end, combining flu and colds the future is bleak if we do not work as a team . Stay safe people.”

Fed Up Pedestrian: “At this point we are doing far more long reaching damage to people’s lives than this virus ever could, the trade off isn’t worth it. So many people suffering because they can’t get to Drs/Dentists/hospital. We will be paying for it long after the virus has been ‘cured’ or vaccinated against.”

nosensenononsense said: “First off, it is not a flu strain.Secondly, what are you really suggesting? That we just ignore the virus and carry on as normal? I wonder how many deaths in immunosuppressed cancer patients, will result? How many lives will be ended or permanently affected by a trip to the dentists (never mind the staff who ‘s chances of exposure will be increased)? This is all besides the fact that excess cancer deaths is much talked up by some even though Cancer research UK themselves consider the number difficult to predict, ‘almost impossible’ as they put it (they point to estimates of between 3 and 60k but without mention of timescale). It strikes me that it is an argument based on political allegiance and economic impact rather than any real facts about disease and public health. Basically you are advocating a ‘let it rip’ scenario that is even less supported in reason now that we are discovering the acquired immunity post infection is relatively short (how short for how many is still an unknown) and could mean herd immunity is questionable at all.”