THIRSTY Barrovians eager for a pint travelled to Ulverston in an effort to evade restrictions on gatherings.

Mail readers have given their views after police had to increase the number of bobbies on the beat to ensure restrictions were followed.

John Smith said: “So so obvious this would happen. Boris has no idea policy is completely ad-hoc. We nerds simply straight forward nationally formed with majority consensus. Then may be just maybe we will see a light at the end of the tunnel.”

Walter Sportsock said: “It’s just the minority who seem to think they know what we should be doing. Perhaps minding one’s own business is the way forward.”

James Philips said: “And just how do you think any other government party would have acted? Have you been furloughed and paid up to 80% by this government? Or did you refuse the funny money, are you self-employed like me and did you take or refuse the 10-thousand-pound grant? Or the support grant. I don’t think anyone coming in to power whatever side of the fence your on could have predicted this and I don’t think you or I could do any better at running the country, most people can’t even look after their children properly let alone even think of running a country. For a new father, having had Covid himself and nearly die. I don’t think he’s doing too bad. If only the idiots would obey the rules.”

Liam Dalton said: “It has always been the case that people from Barrow and Dalton drink in Ulverston especially at weekends. If this is still happening, then it is the same selfish ignorant mentality displayed in Liverpool and Manchester.”