Ian Graham said: "Facts are, if it isn’t on the table for the US to carve up, they would see no problem protecting it in legislation, but it is up for grabs. When he says it’s a trick of the opposition, it was Caroline Lucas that tabled it from the Greens. I think the trick people keep falling for is them saying just trust us and people believing the lies they spout on a daily basis."

Pip Larkin said: "Another double-dealing lying Tory looking after his own interests and pays the people of the town lip service with his Soundbites with no real substance to them. Get back to Westminster."

Steve McMahon said: "He also voted against the Clause 4 amendment which would have enabled parliament to have a say in any post-Brexit free trade agreement so his thoughts on the matter are now redundant. MPs couldn't stop the mass sell-off of the NHS even if they wanted to."

Greg Rose said: "What an absolute failure of an MP the worst decision Barrow has ever made."

Richard Wilson said: "From when I was a child the Tories have lied and lied about selling off. I now don't believe a word they say."

Jim Rigby said: "I can see which way the 'wind' is blowing."

Nic Brockbank said: "'The Trade Bill does not, and will not, apply to the procurement of UK health services.' Does it say that in the Bill Mr Fell?"

Shaun Blezard said: "What a really poor excuse. If the NHS were safe, they could put that safety in the legal structure of the bill. They choose not to. Johnson himself has said the NHS is on the table in trade deals. It’s about time our MP did what was right for his constituents rather what his boss Dominic Cummings tells him to do. Just so much hot air and bluster we can all take. Stand up for us Simon!"

Sean Hardcastle said: "I don’t think people realise that the NHS is safe under a Conservative government. The only threat to the NHS was under Teflon Tony Blair, and we are still paying the price for that whole thing."