The death of a child is always a tragedy.

Questions will always remain when a child has died - particularly when public organisations were involved in the run up the tragic event.

On page two of today's Mail, we report on the sad case of Maziellie MacKenzie, a 14-year-old girl who sadly died by hanging in 2018.

Maziellie was a looked after child and an inpatient at a mental health facility in Lancaster at the time of her death.

A Serious Case Review has now been published, which demands that lessons are learned from the case.

The review particularly mentions the impact of moving a child from one facility to another, saying: "When a child has placement moves and changes of professionals involved with them, when they can’t be reassured about where they will be living next, and when they can’t have intensive therapeutic input due to moves and instability, they are likely to feel that their voice is not heard, or be unable to trust those caring for them."

Apportioning blame after such a tragedy will not heal the wounds this has undoubtedly caused Ms Mackenzie's family, but hopefully by learning some harsh lessons the organisations involved will be able to prevent anything like this from occurring in future.