THE areas with the highest burglary rates over the past four years have been revealed following a Freedom of Information request by The Mail.

The statistics show that Dalton Road, Abbey Road, and Egerton Court have regularly been in the top five areas with the most incident since 2016.

The area with the highest total of burglaries in one year since 2016 was Egerton Court, with 13 in 2017. However, that was the only time it had the highest total, and did not feature in the top five at all in 2018. In 2019 there were seven burglaries, and only two up to April 26 of this year.

Allison Johnston, councillor for Barrow Island, said: “Obviously it is the police’s job to keep people safe but we know that Egerton Court has a problem with this sort of thing.

“However work is going on there to help the people in the area such as the Barrow Island Hub and a PCSO for Barrow Island who goes through there regularly.

“So people may want to speak to the PCSO if they have any problems.

“With Egerton Court, it is where people go who can’t get accommodation elsewhere and they cannot be blamed for all these crimes as crime is also brought to the area from elsewhere.

“I was surprised by this though as the the work going on over there is great and the reduced statistics over the last couple of years do show that.

“The work going on there through Barrow Island Hub is continuous so that means it will be ongoing to help residents deal with this issue.”

Dalton Road saw the highest number of reported burglaries in both 2016 and 2018, with 11 each year.

Abbey Road has featured in the top five consistently since 2017, with five in that year, seven in 2018, six in 2019, and two so far in 2020, up to April 26.

However, Egerton Court has the highest total overall between 2016 and April 26, 2020, with 30 burglaries.

In the rest of the top five, Egerton Court was followed by Dalton Road with 28 burglaries, then Abbey Road with 20, then Duke Street with 17, and finally Rawlinson Street with slightly less overall on 15.