Greg Rose said: If it keeps Robinson away from Barrow then I'd welcome a lockdown.

Sheila McIntosh said: Please no! We so need to get to see our mum....she's so sad and lonely. It really isn't fair in the people who've done everything they were meant to do to keep safe. Why should the innocent suffer too. Let's hope it won't come to this! It was only mentioned it might happen, not just in Barrow , but all over the country if it spikes anywhere.

Susan Kneale said: It wont won’t make any difference to the ones who have ignored the rules in the first place.

Kelsia Birch said: Has anyone stopped to think that the new lockdown suggestion is because the powers that be have just discovered that one of the symptoms that went unnoticed was a viral eye infection that people have had for weeks but because it was never mentioned as a symptom they still attended work?

Phil Henderson said: What do the people of Barrow expect? A pat on the shoulder and a well done for gathering in their100's at Hollywood Park?

Sue Geldart said: Oh well done barrow made the news headlines again for the wrong reasons.

Lori Robbo said: I can see this coming, with all the idiots thinking that this a joke and not taking Covid-19 seriously. I am fed up, we are all fed up with this situation, nine weeks into lockdown and numpties carry on.

Joanne Morris said: These people are selfish and ignorant idiots. They only care about themselves.

Rachel Buckley said: It's about personal responsibility basically. If social distancing and ignoring advice isn't followed the virus spreads. It's got nothing to do with politics, policing or anything else. It's about common sense and taking responsibility for your own actions to protect yourself, your family, friends, neighbours and show respect for everyone that has lost a family member.

Dave Baker said: Going to be penalised for doing more testing than the rest, about right.