My Shih Tzu sometimes cries out when he does a poo. There are no worms or blood, but his bottom does look red. His anal glands are regularly emptied. What’s wrong?

There can be many reasons for dogs experiencing pain when they go to the toilet, from arthritis in older dogs, back pain, or even general tummy or bottom pain. It’s also possible that his anal glands may be filling quickly or feel a bit sore after having them emptied.

It’s best that you discuss this with your vet who can examine your dog to determine why he’s uncomfortable and provide treatment to help. If he’s regularly having problems with his anal glands your vet may be able to suggest some dietary changes to help the glands empty naturally.

We’ve rescued a cat, but he’s using the backdoor mat rather than his litter tray. How can we get him to use his litter tray?

He’s been through a big change so it’s understandable that he may be confused and unsure of his surroundings. Firstly, get him checked by your vet to make sure he’s not unwell. He may be feeling stressed so it’s also worth picking up a pheromone plug-in to help him settle into his new home. Try different types of litter trays and litter, placed in various quiet locations, but avoid putting them near his food bowls. Make sure they’re clean and free of strong smells such as citrus which cats dislike. He might also prefer to toilet outside, in which case consider fitting a cat flap.

My guinea pig is healthy but doesn’t really do much. What play things would get him active and keep him busy?

Guinea Pigs need lots of mental stimulation. They are really sociable creatures and need the company of their own kind, so make sure your guinea pig has at least one friend. Introducing a new companion can be tricky so ask your vet or vet nurse for some advice first. Guinea pigs also enjoy chewing, gnawing and foraging for food, so look to replicate these to keep your guinea pigs entertained. Use cardboard toilet rolls and safe wood chews to make hanging toys and change them regularly to keep things fresh and interesting.

I have two budgies who love to be let out of their cage, but they always peck the paint off the coving, or pull at the curtain rings. I don’t want to stop letting them out, so what can I do? Charlotte

Budgies are very social so it’s great that yours have each other for company and that they get the chance to fly around outside the cage. It’s likely that they’ll enjoy being high up in the room, exploring and entertaining themselves, so you could try adding high perches, swings or shelves with lots of toys and other things that’ll keep them occupied.

A large indoor aviary with an attached flight would allow them to safely fly whenever they want, without being able to peck away at your paintwork or injure themselves... But you could also consider having a large outdoor aviary and flight that’s spacious and full of entertaining items.