Vic Dunkley said: Lets get the country on an even keel and great again first.

Anna Cargan said: Given that the conservatives manifesto was rated the worst of any of the parties on environmental issues by Friends of the Earth (Labour being top, even above the Green Party) I don't hold my breath, Boris couldn't even be bothered to turn up to the televised climate debate for heavens sake. He doesn't care, he's too much in the pockets of polluting big business, but I hope to god for all our sakes that they do step up!

Paul Wheeler said: We will probably be the only country doing this.and a good excuse to bring another tax out.

Steve Lanyon said: It costs 400,000 pounds to refuel the big super yachts of the world owned by the elite who are trying to tell us to burn less fossil fuels, as for Greta go back to your charmed childhood with your millionaire parents.

Alex Rayment said: Not going to get that with Tories in power funded by fossil fuel industry.

Darren Crawford said: Climate change is a con.

Rob Farrer said: I am sick of hearing bout extinction rebellion.

Jon Story said: I’m sick of people who will be dead before climate change affects them, not caring about the rest of us who are going to have to live with it... but here we are.

Erica Adams said: Well silly protests is not going to help.

Richard Russell said: It was a Conservative Prime Minister who effectively shut down the fossil fuel (coal) industry in the 1980's, and still gets hammered for it even in her grave. I guess you just can't win if you're the wrong party.

Gary Tomlinson said: I suspect they won’t.

Derek McNaughton said: Look what we are left with, a clown who is so pathetic he hides in a fridge to avoid scrutiny, and is in charge of a government that only has one policy.

Wayne M Ayres said: That flag of their's still reminds me of one I saw from the 30's and 40's.