Q. Help me – my toe is red and sore!

A. You may have an ingrown toenail. It’s a common problem where the nail grows into the toe. It can be painful, but there are things you can do to ease the pain.

You usually get an ingrown toenail on your big toe. But you can get them on any toe. Your toe may be red, painful and swollen or your toenail may curve into your toe.

You can treat an ingrown toe yourself by soaking your foot in warm water 3 to 4 times a day for a few days – this softens the skin around your toe and stops the nail growing into it. Keep your foot dry for the rest of the day and wear wide, comfortable shoes or sandals and take paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease the pain. Don't cut your toenail – leave it to grow out – don’t pick at your toe or toenail and don’t wear tight, pointy shoes.

If you are worried about pain or infection speak to your pharmacist – they’ll be able to help.

You can help prevent ingrown toenails by not cutting your nails too short; cut straight across – not at the edges and don’t wear shoes that are too tight or that don’t fit properly.

Signs of an infected toe include pus coming out of it or you feel hot or shivery. If you have an infected toe you can seek advice from your GP at this point.

Q. I’ve got a rash – and I’m not sure what it is?

A. You’ve probably all heard the phrase “It brought me out in hives” – but do we know what hives are?

Hives can look like red, raised patches. The rash can also be red spots. Hives can be different sizes and shapes, and appear anywhere on the body in both adults and children. The rash is often itchy and sometimes feels like it's stinging or burning.

Hives occur when something causes high levels of histamine and other chemicals to be released in the skin. It is basically an allergic reaction. The cause of the hives is known as a trigger.

Triggers can include:

• food

• pollen and plants

• insect bites and stings

• chemicals

• latex

• dust mites

• heat – (if this is the case, try to work and sleep in a cool room and wear loose, lightweight clothes)

• sunlight, exercise or water

• medicines – (always remember to speak to your GP if you have an allergic reaction)

• infections

• emotional stress

Hives rashes usually settle down within a few minutes to a few days. You can often treat hives yourself, and your pharmacist can give you some expert advice. Visit your pharmacist and explain your symptoms. They’ll probably ask you some questions about what the trigger may be – and will then give you advice about antihistamine tablets to bring down your hives rash.

Tell your pharmacist if you have a long-term condition – you might not be able to take antihistamines.

They also may not be suitable for young children.