DESPITE not being a native Barrovian, Dr Geoff Jolliffe certainly qualifies as an adopted son, having spent 36-years of his career in a town that he patently took to his heart.

Although there are long-serving exceptions, Barrow can be something of a revolving door for health professionals, some of whom are gone no sooner than they have arrived.

That is never a criticism that could be levelled at Dr Jolliffe, who fully committed himself to this area and its patients.

He also stood up for the area on NHS committees, which are not known for their plain-speaking or brevity.

From a patient point of view, nothing is more reassuring medically, than speaking to a doctor who knows you, and with whom you have had a long-standing relationship.

There's no doubt that a good deal of patients will be very sorry to see him retire.

His are big shoes to fill and we can only hope someone as committed to this area takes over.

Dr Jolliffe has agreed to keep his hand in by working for the out-of-hours CHOC service, which means we won't entirely be seeing the last of him.

In a sector where many remain anxious of putting their heads above the parapet, to his credit, Dr Jolliffe was always refreshingly candid and spoke up for what he believed in.